Useful Information

Litomyšl Town Information

For an international overview of other Litomyšl facilities, restaurants, places to see and a map, go to Google Earth and enter Litomysl, Czech Republic. The site enables you to zoom in on parts of the town and click on various symbols to find stores, pharmacies, restaurants, etc.

Also see the official town of Litomyšl website Litomyšl website. The site has links to all the restaurants in town, some of which have their own websites and menus online. The latter are usually only available in Czech, so you’ll need to use a webpage translation program like Google Translate.

US – Metric Conversion

Currency converter (daily rates)
Metric/US weights, measures, temperatures converter.

Train Timetable

jizdni-radIf you need to take the train to/from Litomyšl (to/from Česká Třebová) you should visit the Czech Railways homepage . To find departure times, ticket prices and order tickets and reservations, enter “Praha hl.n.” in the “From” box and “Česká Třebová” in the “To” box (you can leave out the markings above the letters). Leave the “Via” box empty, enter the date and time and leave the setting on “simple search” unless you have special needs. When you click “Enter” your options will appear. The site also gives you the opportunity to purchase tickets and seat reservations in advance for printing or for uploading to your mobile phone.

Since there is no train connection from/to Litomyšl, which does not have a train station, you will have to take a taxi. Call in advance or talk to the office staff to arrange a taxi for you, otherwise it is very likely that you will be overcharged by a significant amount.

Hotels in Litomyšl

aplausHotel Dalibor
Pension Petra

Hotel Aplaus
Hotel Zlata hvezda also has room and apartment listings in Litomysl.

For other housing options, contact the Litomyšl Tourist Information Centre.


Litomyšl is pronounced LEE-toe-me-shl in Czech. can find an excellent web resource for Czech words and phrases here.This website also provides recorded pronunciations of many words and phrases which will be helpful to you. While some people will speak basic English, don’t count on it, since Litomyšl is off the beaten tourist path. English speaking capabilities will be far fewer among the locals than in Prague.